8083 St. Rt. 20, Waterville, NY 13480
(315) 841-8987

Monday, September 22, 2008

A Great and Busy Weekend

What a busy weekend we all had.
We had the Legion Booth at Crusin Waterville. I would like to thank ALL the members that participated in helping out with it. It is very important that we let our community know about all the good things that we do and about the resources that may are available to our veterans and members.
The Auxiliary County meeting was held at Chadwicks #1000. Kathy and I attended this meeting. We received more information to pass on to our auxiliary members and we will be sharing it at our next meeting on Wed. Oct. 8th at 7pm, please mark it on your calendar and try to attend.
Our unit auxiliary received the Best Press Book Award for the Department of NY and it is now on display at the post. Also the web site that Barb Atkyns put together went to National, they said they haven't heard anything yet.
What a GREAT Party!! The 2nd annual ALR Hog Roast was great! Everyone had a great time. The food was awesome. If you missed it this year you missed a fabulous time.... there is always next year.
The Gas Card that the auxiliary raffled off went to Jeff Olmsted This was a raffle to raise money to help out with purchasing items and sending them to our adopted troop. We raised $94.00. Thank you for helping us.

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